Double Mouse Pad Lap Desk

In the first half of the year, we received an email from an import and export trader in the Netherlands, saying that he wanted us to develop a new product for him to increase the category of their company’s products. Based on our experience, we recommended and customized a lap desk for him.

Help the Client Choose Products

During the communication, we learned that this client has many years of experience in import and export, and his main products are creative gifts. His company’s product categories include office stationery such as desk lamps, notebooks, and tablet holders. He wants to develop similar small office furniture as the brand’s new product.


Initially, the client needed an idea, so we sent him the company’s office furniture product catalog to browse and choose from. Based on the background of the epidemic era, more people will choose to work from home, so we recommend a laptop folding table and a lap table for him.

The customer said that he has also used the lap table, but this product is rare in the Netherlands, and he wants to customize 200 pcs to test the market first.

Customized Requirements

After communicating with the client, we learned about his customization requirements and sorted out all his customization requirements as follows:

Double mouse pad

The client told us that there are many left-handed people in his country, so he wanted to add a mouse pad to the left side of the lap table top, which would suit more people.

Swap the positions of the two grooves above the tabletop

Because of his usage habits, he wants to change the positions of the tablet groove and the mobile phone groove above the table.

Change table color

The client wants to change the table color to black.

Our designer modified the design drawings according to the client’s requirements and handed them to the factory. The factory said that the design of the mouse pad and the groove part was delicate and could be put into production immediately, but they could not meet the request for changing the color of the table board.

After communicating with the factory, we learned that the order quantity of black panels could not meet the requirements of the factory, and the existing factory will not buy new raw materials for 200 products or even only one sample.

Our engineers contacted the factory and suggested that the factory make a membrane tectoria on the original product to achieve a black effect. At the same time, it will increase the friction and wear resistance of the surface, taking the product use effect to a higher level.


After completing the sample production according to the client’s needs, we conducted a video inspection with the client. After the inspection was completed, the client placed a trial order of 200 pieces according to the agreement and expressed that he was looking forward to testing the effect of the market.

A few months after this order was completed, we received another letter from this client, he said in the letter that this lap desk market works well, and he decided to sign an order for a 2000-pcs lap desk with us. In addition, they also expressed that they are delighted with our various services and will consider including the laptop folding table we recommended before in their brand product list.


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